September 21, 2006

Yo, you know where da West Side Club is?

[As a matter of fact I do, since I work in the building right next door]. Wow, serious Deja Vu as I'm typing this. Either that or I've been asked this question on more than one occasion.

Let me preface all that and 'splain what's going on... And BTW, these symbols [ ] indicate me talking to myself in my head, everything else is spoken aloud or I'm narrating.

So I'm on my way to work, walking east on 21st Street at the corner of 8th Avenue. This Russian type of guy, seemingly tweaking or strung out [I'm not sure which one is more relevant], stops me. I'm wearing my sunglasses and my Bluetooth headphones. I think he said, "Yo, you know where day West Side Club is?" So I repeated rather loudly [remember I'm wearing my headphones] YOU WANNA KNOW WHERE THE WEST SIDE CLUB IS? For all those not familiar with NYC's sex scene, the WSC is a commonly known sex club located on West 20th Street in NYC.

The Russian guy then starts talking to me without skipping a beat; saying stuff like "people are so rude and ignore you..." [at that moment my native New Yorker defense shields switched on. I was like oh I can't let this guy think real New Yorkers are rude people because we all know it's the people who come here and act like they're New Yorkers who are the rude ones.] Anyway, this Russian like dude was kind of in my face, too close for comfort so early in the morning. He went on about how he's just looking for a group of nice guys to hang out with in his condo he has down the block. [Is this a porno or what?] The whole conversation took me off guard. Like I said, its the early morning and I'm on my way to work, which I had to explain to this Russian guy. So he asks me if I wanna come over and play too. I really felt like cracking up in his face. Should I have been flattered? Hmmm, a small part of me was, but then again this guy was high and horny on something. I 'splained to him I was on my way to work and I couldn't play. Then he says, OK when do you get off work? [again I wanted to crack up. Like WTF man!] So I replied that I wasn't looking to play. And again I directed him to the West Side Club and told him where it was.

End of story...well not really.

I proceeded on my way, crossed 8th Avenue and walked down to 20th on the other side. I watched him as he walked down 8th on the other side. I also noticed this rather sexy, manly other Russian looking dude on my side of the street who was watching the Russian guy I just encountered. And then another further down the block. [WTF, is the Russian Mafia all gay now?] I then began to wonder what these guys were up to. Were they undercover cops entrapping innocent gay men on their way to work? [I almost wouldn't doubt that]. Or were these really young Russian gay guys from out of town, high and horny as hell, looking to hook up with anyone?

Are you horny too? Then get yourself on out to 8th Avenue and 21st Street, you might just find a hot happening gay Russian sex party in the works.