September 11, 2006

Fuck! Florence is gonna just flo on by

I am so disappointed.

It appears that hurricane Florence is going to just pass New York right by without even a little drizzle.

I've been watching the forecasts on Flo' ever since she was a teeny blip on the map. And although the predictions were that she would vere off to the North East Atlantic, I was really hoping she would just keep barreling towards us in the North East. But unless some weird wacko miracle happens, at this point I doubt Florence will even brush us with a drop of drizzle.

Hurricane season is my verison of the Super Bowl and World Series and World Cup all rolled into one. I was begging for a chance to call in work and say I ain't goin' out in that nasty weather. Oh well. There will always be others I suppose...mwahahahaha (evil laughter).

Tropical Depression #8, just out of the gate and already forecasted to be a category 2 Hurricane by Sept.17th. Zoikes!