September 02, 2006

"Gay" is not an insult

So I've been spending some time in the "straight" boy world. Not physically or literally, but more culturally. And believe me it's not easy, but I'll 'splain...

Traditionally, the geeky world of PC video games is mostly straight, although there are a lot of gay people there, they don't exactly announce it or make themselves obvious. Also, all the schmucks and loudmouth assholes tend to be more vocal than all the cool and decent people in that virtual world, so it's easier to get a dose of straight-boy stupidity than it is to have a cool connection with some good people. And I don't mean to say all straight-boys are bad people. There are lots of cool ones, but like I mentioned, they're usually drowned out by the stupid ones.

You'll even notice in the Urban Dictionary, people have posted entries that Gay is an insult.
  1. A generic insult. It can mean bad, stupid, whatever you want it to mean.
  2. Now it's used by ignorant (and often prejudiced) people to describe something that they don't like. It's especially common among teenage boys, who use it to look cool or to "hide" their insecurity about gay people.
I've also been watching the latest season of the (UFC) Ultimate Fighter Championship show. This place is an epicenter of homoeroticism, albeit totally closeted. The TV show itself is a masturbatory delight, filled with some of the hottest fighting athletes around. None of them of course are gay. Yeah right. But I digress.

My point is that spending time in these two areas lately, I've become quite aware that the young "straight" boy culture (sic) commonly refers to anything as "gay" when hurling an insult. Everything they don't like, or anything they think sucks, is gay. When playing online video games, I usually gladly profess, "yeah I am, a big gay." Of course it goes right over their heads and then the typical insults ensue, fag, gay, blah blah blah. Whatever, just play the fucking game and stop showing how closeted you are.

But really I'm here to tell all you non-homo readers that Gay does not equal an insult. Take a closer look at your own life. Not so fabulous I'd say. And definitely not gay, thank goodness.