August 22, 2006

Summer Sick and in bed with the UFC

I've been sick with my lousy bronchitis for the past 2 weeks (Note to others: never clean out air conditioning filters without wearing a breather mask, bad, very very bad). Last Thursday I finally caved in and called in sick for a day. Wouldn't ya know it, it was like the most beautiful sunny day out. Sucks being sick in the summertime.

As I looked out the window at my beautifully-ugly cityscape view, I noticed the billboard sign across the way. OK so my view wasn't so bleak this today. I was greeted with a larger than life-size view of UFC Chuck Liddell. Yummy yummy and oh so sexy! Chuck Liddell is so fuckin' hot! And here he is he looking into my living room window and he's like 4 or 5 stories tall. It's almost like King Kong and I'm the lady in waiting, Fay Wray. Take me Kong Liddell! Imagine how big his dick is under those soft wrestler shorts. Mmmmm, I could climb up it and sit atop it and then sit n' spin on it and then slide down it, then run rings around those bulldozer-sized balls. Whoopee.

I'd really much prefer to play with UFC Randy Couture, but Chuck will definitely do me. Ahhh Chuck, come on over, I'm just across the way, the doors open and I'm naked. I'm waiting.