September 14, 2006

iPhoney, cuz it's too good to be true

I came across this news item on The Register about a French cell phone magazine that alledgedy caught a snapshop of the as yet to be announced upcoming Apple iPhone during the Paris MacWorld show.

Looking at it, I must say it's BEAUTIFUL, and I WANT ONE SO!

But I serioulsy think this is a hoax. It's just too good to be true; it's sleekness, smallness, iPodness, and perfect design. There couldn't possibly be such a device in our world, could there? And if it were real, why didn't Steve Jobs announce it this week's Apple SHOWTIME announcement with all the new iPod goodyness? He announced the iTV device which won't be in production until 2007, so why not mention the iPhone. Also, Apple just redesigned the iPod Nano with an aluminum case and this iPhone mock-up clearly has the old iPod Nano design with black plastic face and metal back. I smell somethin' iPhoney. Pah.