July 28, 2006

"Release the Kraken!"

I really don't have any entry today. I just felt like saying that because I can hear Maggie Smith, who played Thetis in
Clash of the Titans (1981), in my head saying it.

It was Maggie who said it, wasn't it?

And I cannot believe the IMDB quotes page for this movie does not have the Kraken line, nor a few other choice lines from Maggie. Dammit!

July 21, 2006

High School for the Humanities 1983-85

Wow, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. One of my high school sisters, Mariana, sent me a link to a website developed for and by an alumni of my old high school.

During the years 1983-1985, I attended a new type of high school here in New York City's Chelsea neighborghood, the High School for the Humanities. It was a pilot program for a new breed of high schools focusing on the Humanties, whatever the hell that meant. Please, to a 15 year old, any high school in NYC was a prison.

So I've just spent about an hour...OK a few hours...browsing pictures of a reunion some alumni had last year and other pictures and profiles. Wow it's amazing the memories just come flooding back. What's a little shocking is that reading through so many profiles, so many of them seem to be partnered and have children. It's so weird. Are we all really adults now? I guess so. 20 years is a long time to pass. And interestingly, I've been in and around Chelsea for all of those 20 years. I've seen this neighborhood change dramatically. And it still is. I've witnessed gay Chelsea's birth and now it's death. But I digress. My old high school is still there on West 18th Street between 8th & 9th Avenues. It's changed names yet again, now called the Bayard Rustin HS or something like that. I still stupidly point it out to my friends and they make fun of me now when we pass it. "Ohhhh there's my old high school I went to", said in a really snotty imitating way.

So apparently there is another reunion planned for later this year in October. Zoikes, I'm really nervous about going. I really don't want to, although I am a bit curious. Nah, I can't go. Well maybe. I'll see.

So now I just posted my own profile on the alumni site and put up a current picture of me as well as a Then & Now picture (yes that's me at like age 15 or 16, nice hair right!). Here's more pictures I found. Oh I'm so nervous. I wonder if anyone will remember me from the site and write me.

I also just added a new blogroller called girlbomb. I went to high school with this chick, Janice Erlbaum. She's a writer, has her own blog and she just published a book of her very rough life during those high school years. It's really fascinating. I'm gonna get the book. Kudos to you Janice, I can't wait to read it.

July 20, 2006

My...everyone's hero

My hero is is my Canadian friend and Bro, Luc. Why? Well not really because he has (nice) balls and something I refer to as an appendage, but because he has integrity as a gay man. Because he takes a stand and fights back against ignorance, stupidity, and the oppresive straight culture. Because he's sick and tired of having outsiders tred in our neighborhoods and assaulting us with their tiresome hateful rhetoric.

[WARNING: link NOT work safe] Ask him about his entry. I told him it was really important to share these stories with our brothers and sisters so that we know there are some of us out there who do something and fight back sometimes. We don't all have to be a Harvey Milk (another hero of mine) or a stilleto wearing queen throwing bricks at the police. Heros are those everyday homos who tell them, it's not OK to come to my home and leave your shit.

Yes girls, he's my hero. He's everyone's hero.

The wedding thing, 'splained

My last entry has recieved a lot of commentary. But for the record these are my feelings why I want legalized gay marriage (civil union) or whatever the fuck we should call it.

  1. I am in no way looking for governement sanctioning of my love. I do not need my government telling me that my love is real, official, valid, worth something, etc.
  2. What I do want from my governement, since I am a full tax paying citizen, are my equal rights to the benefits, tax breaks, legal recognition of familial ties, inheritence and survivorship rights, etc that go with being "married" or a civil union.
  3. I am not looking to imitate the straight weddings with all their gory details, ridiculous expeditures of money, silly and grotesque outfits, and even sillier wedding antics, etc.
  4. I don't need or want to be "given" away or have my families approval to "wed" the man I love. Although when I announced to my mom that me and Robopapi were getitng married in Canada, her delightful reply was "I'm so glad we're going to be there for it". I got a great cool mom.

July 18, 2006

I can't help but think...

With the whole Gay marriage debate moving on and battles being won and (painfully) lost (like in New York), I can't help but think that I really haven't seen many if any straight allies on this issue.

I can't help but think how many gay people work in the "wedding business", to make those weddings look beautiful.

I can't help but think how the straights willingly accept our help to make them look good. We do their hair, their makeup, their decorating, arrangements, blah blah blah, etc.

I can't help but wish that all gay people would just stop supporting the straight weddings unless the straights come out and support a gay couple's equal rights in this so called "land of equality".

I can't help but wish that those ridiculous Queer Eye for the Straight Guys would take a stand for their gay brothers and sisters and stop going around making the straights lives all pretty and picture perfect.

I can't help but think, ain't it time for some payback!

I can't help but think how sick it makes me that there are so many fag hag girlfriends out there getting married who rely on their gay friends to make her wedding the most beautiful ever. But where is that bitch when it comes to helping out her gay friend's equal right to marry his partner just like she did.

I can't help but think that I'd like some straight men and women to comment on this blog and prove me wrong.

And for now, I can't help but think that I refuse to attend another straight wedding. Besides the fact I hate them anyway even if I could get married myself.

I just can't help it.

July 17, 2006

Overheard on the street 07/17/2006

"I thought those shoes were so perfect for me except that they were in those girly colors". -- two thug guys (with masculinity issues) walking north on 8th Avenue at 29th Street.

What lame asses. WTF are girly colors anyway?

July 13, 2006

Farting in the Twilight Zone

I saw one of these Cartoon Network posters on the way to work yesterday. It's some Schmoo-like creature who declares, "I Pooted".

After doing a tad of research...yes I researched "I Pooted"..., apparentley "Pooted" means farted. I always thought it meant "shat", as in past tense of "shit".

Anyway, this is exactly the silly type of bathroom humor that me and my friend Robert (who passed away last September) loved. I'm going to email it to him, hoping he gets it, in that Twilight Zone sort of way.

What if he writes back?!

July 10, 2006

We will not forget you Rose Tyler

This past weekend, me and the Robopapi sat and watched the season 2 finale of Doctor Who titled, Doomsday. This was an epic episode featuring two of the Doctor's most famous enemies, the Daleks and the Cybermen, seen together for the first time ever in Doctor Who history. It was also to be Rose Tyler's last episode. And as far as I know the longest and most emotional departing of any Doctor Who companion.

It starts off as a retrospective telling of the story of how Rose died. We feared the worst that she really died. In reality she is still alive, yet her and the Doctor were forced to part ways, never to be able to meet again. Something to do with alternate reality worlds. And even the Doctor in his TARDIS cannot cross those boundaries, at least not intentionally. So in a way it was as if Rose did die.

Needless to say the fiesty 19 year old Londoner Rose has seriously grown on us during her 2 season run. And almost more so, her mother Jackie, who I knew I loved the moment I saw her in episode 1. As the episode ended, we were shocked and the both us were crying on the couch because we knew it was the end for Rose, Jackie, and Mickey. It was time to say goodbye to yet another, in the long 40-something year history of Doctor Who companions. I must say that Rose is one of my favorite Companions in Dr. Who next to Sarah Jane Smith, Jo Grant, Leela, and of couse K-9.

As the morning ran on, we tried to collect ourselves out of our depression. The depressing part is something I tried to warn the Robopapi about. Whenever a companion of the the Doctor departs the show, it's always somewhat depressing. It's like losing an old friend.

But, we had happy things to look forward to, like beautiful Jones beach this weekend. The weather was gorgeous on Sunday and we met up with some friends on the beach. Couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. Well except if only Rose could stay with the Doctor. Who knows? Perhaps the Doctor will find another rip in the space-time continuum and cross paths with Rose Tyler again.

Sunday night we landed at the Eagle with our friend Dennis. And there me and the Robopapi held our Coronas up high and toasted to never forgetting Rose Tyler, oh and Jackie Tyler too.

July 05, 2006

I'm Alive by ELO

Aside from me being rather quiet lately, and stupidly letting my spaceboystoys domain expire accidentally (while away on vacation), I've been traveling a little. Me and the RoboPapi visited our northern better halves upstairs in Vancouver, Canada. What a beautiful city. I mean how amazing is it to look down almost any street and see snow capped mountains in the distance (rhetorical). Really stunning. Now those Canadians really have their shit together. The U.S. is positively a bunch of bumbling idiots compared to our northerly neighbors. But I digress.

I'll write more about it later and sum up my extended 4th of July weekend. But I am alive and feeling sexy, for all those who were worried or hadn't seen me acting a fool at the Eagle this weekend. I've uploaded some pictures of our Vancouver trip.