January 24, 2007

Oh Sweeet Jeeezus, as Blanche Devereux would say

To go or not to go, the Darkness calls...

Analysis (RoboGrinch speaking): The Black Party is way too expensive ($110), the DJs are never announced until like 2 weeks before (bastards), the expectation is really high, and the party itself is just not what it used to be (ie, the acts suck, they're not nearly as extreme or outre as they once were).

Conclusion: We ain't going, but are going to Alegria Xtreme the next night. Much more reasonable price tag, great music, super hot men, always a good time is had.

January 23, 2007

Not even Madonna changes like I have

I just recently pondered (reminisced) over all the online aliases I have assumed over the years. I've been on the Internet from home since 1992, and even a bit before that from former work places. Yes I used to dial-up to what used to be known as BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) way back in the day. In fact I used to do it from work and dial-up to a gay BBS, whose name eludes me right now. I merely did it for the ability to "chat" with other gay guys and because it was something entirely new back then in 1991. Anyway back to the myriad of online aliases I have run through over the years; iErik, AlienSxToy (one of my all time favorites), Papito1, and Robocub (current incarnation). Perhaps you've chatted with one of my former selves.

I'm pretty happy with Robocub now. Kind of like I've finally discovered myself in my late 30s. But who knows, as I quickly approach my last 30-something, I can't even dream of what aliases await me in my 40s.

Alas, there are but only a handful of morsel remnants of my former
AlienSxToy and Papito1 aliases left alive on the Internet, I checked Google (check the links).

January 19, 2007

I am not alone

The Universe is a big place, yet somehow another tribe member of the TimeLord clan found me on this big webby thing. I'm pleased to introduce JoeZer, of my clan. He has his TimeLord seal ink'd on his back.

And here are mine (shoulders). As you can see I like to get it from both ends.

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