March 15, 2006

Robocub ISO Uber Geek Daddy

Seems like I've been getting into some rather heavy geeky material lately. I'll 'splain...

First, there's this here blog thing. Now blogging in itself ain't hard..type, click a button and voila! But getting a bit more advanced and redesigning my template
(the stuff that gives your blog a certain look and style) so I don't have the same ugly look as most other blogs is a bit difficult. I'm horrible at languages and that includes machine languages like coding for web design. It takes a lot of time to tweak it and figuring out how to do things. Plus I can never remember a certain way of coding that I might have done once before that I need to know again. Note taking is not in my lexicon. I'm so bad. Did I ever mention I failed grammar in high school as well as French 101? But I digress.

Secondly, I've been spending a lot of time researching different aspects of home networking. I have Earthlink highspeed via Time Warner (they really suck). So much for the high speed though. I'm pulling in about half of the advertised bandwidth speed. Anyway, I've been trying to research various different cable modems, maybe buying my own, but it's very hard to find all the right information and advice. And forget about dealing with Time Warner customer service. They don't know shit. I'd sooner ask some old lady on the street if she could recommend a good DOCSIS 2.0 compliant home cable modem that has a full duplex WAN port.

Then of course I've fallen into the gaming thing. Yes, the gaming thing. I've never ever really been into video games except when I was a kid and the Atari 2600 was all the rage in the late 70s and then Colecovision in the early 80s. But computer games really bore me to tears. They're too fast and not enough experimental and exploration time. Although I guess it depends on which games you play. However, my only geek buddy EvilBuddha kind of got me into Halo. Now I love it. I even bought my own copy so I can legally play online against other opponents without a hitch. But there's a been a lot of experimentation involved with setting up and hosting my own game server that others can join in on and play with me.

Although EvilBuddha is usually the first person I consult with all things geek, he doesn't know everything. Certainly not his fault as I don't know everything either and he often consults with me. But when we pool our nogens together we usually come up with the right answers. But lately it's been a strain and very frustrating, especially with the home networking stuff and even more so the blog template designing has been really difficult. Sometimes I just want a frakin' educated answer now.

Applications are now being accepted: Age/sexuality/looks (well, hmm)/gender not important although experienced preferred. Must be internet savvy and connected, non-technophobic, love to tinker, geeky but not a total dork. Must speak English and be able to articulate well. Oh yeah and very importantly, MUST be Mac friendly and knowledgeable.