February 14, 2006

My Bloody Valentine

My two earliest memories of Valentine's Day are distinctly different yet permanently etched into my memory banks.

My first memories were rather sweet, way back when I was in grade school around 2nd through 4th grades, where it was basically mandatory that you make a Valentine's day card out of colored construction paper and glitter and glue and then you had to give it to someone. Although I don't recal being forced to necessarily give it to another kid of the opposite sex (a girl), which I can be thankful for.

My other memory was when I was about 11 years old, there was a horror movie being relased, My Bloody Valentine (1981). I never saw the movie, I guess because I was too young. Oh who am I kidding, I went to see Friday the 13th that same year. It terrified me. But back to Bloody Valentine. I didnt need to see this movie because I saw the TV trailer for it and that left a rather nasty impression on my subconcious. That night I had an incredibly intense nightmare based solely on what I saw in that 30 second TV trailer. Let's just say that I had trouble sleeping for several nights after that and then some.

Now I looked into the origins of Valentine's Day a bit at Wikipedia and I kinda liked the explanation copied below, although I felt it was my duty to remove all references to Catholicism:
St. Valentine's Day falls on February 14, and is the traditional day on which lovers in certain cultures let each other know about their love, commonly by sending Valentine's cards, which are often anonymous.
I love the anonymous part, it's really so sweet. This is the part that brings me back to my childhood memories of creating the card and then secretly leaving it for someone. I miss that. So in keeping with tradition, I'll be sending an anonymous Valentine to someone today. I haven't yet decided who's getting it or maybe it'll be more than one. There are quite a few handsome mens out there who I have lustful designs on.

And on a personal celebration of Valentine's Day (and I don't mind "celebrating" this day as long as it doesn't entail spending money on cards, gifts, flowers, jewelry, candy or other nonsense that Hallmark insists makes Valentine's day what it is), I'll be cooking my love, Eddie, a delovely meal. I got the recipe from fellow blogger and food lover Eryk @ Devour. His recipe for Chicken and Cream Cheese Stuffed Peppers looks soooo good. And the red peppers look like elongated red hearts to me, so I'm sticking wit the VD theme.