February 08, 2006

Does the G in Google really stand for Government?

I just read this morning that Gmail--brought to you by Google--is now featuring IM Chat. The article claims Google chat allows Gmail users to keep in touch with contacts via IM, and features searchable chat history, quick contact lists, pop out windows for individual chats, customizable status, free voice calls via Google Talk, the ability to save chats, and the ability to go "off the record" (I wonder) in chats.

See now the skeptic in me is beginning to wonder about certain recent events and Google's ever expanding internet presence in all things related to intrernet communications. Could it be that Google is actually a Government agency in diguise as one of the Dot commers?

Does the G in Google or Gmail really stand for Governement. Is the recent Government supeona of Google's search records really just a roose to make people think it's the Government vs. Google and take any suspicion off of Google being Government run? Hmmm. Makes ya wonder.

So now all of Google's Gmail and IM chats are searchable, there's no hiding or privacy in personal communications. Creepy.

Zoikes! I just realized that Blogger.com is owned by Google. Watch the fuck out!