February 09, 2006

Blarg Hop. Does that = Blog n' Barf?

Well it seems this Blarg-Hop-Trek thing is in full swing thanx to Joe.My.God for initiating the whole sordid affair. And if it wasn't him, then someone will be thanked or spanked depending on the outcome.

At first I was skepticle and not interested, especially since my buddy evilBuddha can't make it. But now I'm IN, and so is my man Eddie. We'll be there but I'll be drinking lite. Just a few Barcardi & Diet-Cokes, my low-cal drink of choice lately. Well OK, maybe I indulge in a hi-cal martini now and then (see right).

I'm a bit of an alcoholic lite-weight, but I did give Mike P. of Blather & Bosh permission to interview me for his podcast with no restrictions on his quesitons. This should be quite fun and interesting. No telling what I'll say if...er I mean...when, I'm tipsy.