October 23, 2007

Atlantis 2007

Not many words to explain it, because pictures speak volumes. Yes that's the look of real joy folks. Yet another awesome time was had on our third Atlantis cruise to Mexico. What more fun could be had than being on board a humongous cruise ship with 2000+ other gay men of all shapes, sizes, and walks of life. Whatever. It's called F-U-N. Everyone should have a little.

And I have to say we had just a little bit o' fun, but not too much.

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October 08, 2007

Finally, the Final Cut

We came...we saw. Now its all history. All I can say I just don't ever remember the love scene between Deckard and Rachel being soooo corny.

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October 05, 2007

I prefer my Blade Runner uncut and thick

It seems insane that it's been 25 years since the original theatrical release of Blade Runner, which happens to be my absolute favorite movie of all time. I was but 14 years old when I saw it with my uncle, that changed my life forever. To me, that movie was perfectly cast, perfectly written, perfectly acted, perfectly produced, perfectly directed, perfectly scored (a Vangelis masterpiece), technically perfect, just perfect.

Over the decades Blade Runner has been re-released in various "other" cuts; Director's, Unrated, Rated-R, original release, etc etc. My favorite is still the original theatrical release (I actually still have the original release VHS tape which I'll keep forever) complete with voice-over naration and "happy-ending", which apparently most audiences hated. Fuck them all! Deckard's narration was necessary. And riding off into the country-side left the movie open and the audience wondering, what will happen to Rachel and Decard? WIll Rachel have a normal life or outlive everyone? As Deckard says at the end, "who knows...". I think the narration added to the film and clued me in to what was happening. I've often imagined seeing the movie for the first time, sans narration and thought I'd be scratching my head thinking WTF is happening here. And the ending, simply left the story open to reality of never knowing how people's lives will continue on.

So now Blade Runner celebrates it's 25th anniversary (Silver), both on DVD and a special two-week long screening engagement at the Zigfield in NYC and a theater in LA. I've already got tickets for the Zigfield on Sunday.

I had seen it about 10 years ago at a special festival screening at Radio City Music Hall (one of the most
amazingly beautiful and largest theaters in the world). The place "came together" as they say in the Voguing Balls. Every Blade Runner fan was there complete with flourescent light stick umbrellas and costumes. It was truly an event to behold, and I have a similar expectation for this Silver event. I can't wait, I'm creaming in my pants. For real!

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October 04, 2007


Don't know what took me so long but I finally flushed my MySpace.com profile down the internet toilet.

Farewell to all those endless creepy robot stalker whore chics named Britney or Sabrina.

Farewell to all those stupid webpages put up by poeple who haven't a clue about design or style, or for cryin' out loud what actually fits on a page!

Farewell to all those endless whore-chics, zen-facists, goth-geeks, and closet-freaks who all wanna be my friend for some reason or another.

Goodbye to all that digital vomit! Good riddance.

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That Sinking Feeling

I had the scariest dream just as I drifted to off to sleep on Tuesday night. It was very brief but so scary I literally shook myself awake and out of it.

As I slept, all of a sudden I saw myself on the stern of a cruise ship as a large stormy wave washed over the ship. Not a tidal wave but still a huge wave. It toppled the ship and next thing I saw the stern going down, like the Titanic. I was no in the water and sinking into unknown dark murky depths. I was free falling in the blackness of the water and all I could see where my arms extending into the darkeness in front of me and feeling sick with fear. I was terrorfied and thinking I'm going to die and what will happen to my body. It will sink to the bottomless depths and be eaten by fish. The fear overcame me so intensely that I started shaking myself awake. It was like trying desperately to wake from a drug induced sleep. I kept shaking my head and finally I came out of it. I was awake! And I was alive. But I was a bit shaken.

I told RoboPapi about it the next day and he said it was all symbolic. Lately I have a lot of friends in my cirlce who are going through some really bad stuff in their lives. I guess I feel like everyone around me is suffering. Plus we are going on a cruise next week. That all makes sense I suppose, but I don't like the idea of being so horrifically filled with fear like being in the situation of a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean with no chance of survival.

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