September 21, 2007

My end of Summer reading cracking me up

tolliver.jpgIt's been a while since I've been reading. Haven't had many chances since I used to walk to work. I certainly wouldn't read while walking like all those TXTing Zombies do with their f*ucking Crackberry things. And for some reaosn I just never ready while at home. But now I ride the PATH train and I have a good 20 minutes to knock out a couple of chapters a day.

Robopapi got me Armistead Maupin's latest novel, Michael Tolliver Lives. I think it's the 5th book in the Tales of the City series. I LOVE the series and read them all voraciously quite a few years ago.

So as I've been reading certain passages, I've laughed out loud or started to giggle on the train. Armistead really has a way with some of his humor which is right up my alley. Here are a couple of choice ones that I just love (granted I'm taking them out of context so try to bear with me, or better yet pick up the book and read it for yourself).

Funny passage #1
Patresse suddenly seemed distracted. "I should tell something."
I'm used to this moment arising—what gay man isn't?—so I tried to make it easier for him. "We always play safe," I said, "if you mean that you're positive."
He shook his head. "No. It's something else..."
We waited for the penny to drop.
"I do your mama's hair."
This simply did not compute.

Funny passage #2
Then my cell phone rang in my suitcase. It's programmed to ring like an old forties telephone—like Barbara Stanwyk's, say, in Sorry, Wrong, Number—and that always lends a certain jangly melodrama to the moment.

I'm sure there will be a lot more since I'm only half way through the book. I highly recommend it, especially if you're a fan of Tales of the City.

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September 10, 2007

Trippin' through the gayborhood

So a few days ago I finally found the easiest route to work. I have two choices;
  1. Pick the first PATH stop in Jersey City, Pavonia/Newport and walk, er I mean drudge my way through the gauntlet known as the Newport Shopping Mall to get there, and then walk through a series of looong downward winding tunnels...OR
  2. Pick the second PATH stop in Jersey City, Grove Street (aka G-spot), and take a nice leisurly walk through my new neighborhood down quiet peaceful streets with trees and then decending a mere two stair cases once I arrive at the PATH station.
Hmmm, which would you pick? I HATE shopping anyway, so the nice leisurely walk down peaceful tree lined streets is my obvious pick. But quiet, peaceful, and treelined does not mean boring. Here are but a few snapshots from this morning's walk that always make this an interesting commute for me...

I spotted a Preying Mantis on the front grill of a Mini Cooper (not mine).

This wicked looking thing hanging on the side of a building is probably one of the coolest art pieces I've ever seen. It's actually an old dead tree trunk that's been carved with an unknown animal face on it and hung on it's side. Notice all the roots as the animal's main spreading out. Really cool and beautiful.

And this bit of grafitti which always cracks me up. People can be so hateful, it's pretty sad but sometimes amusing in my own sick sense.

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September 07, 2007

Still a Native New Yorker

Well we finally made the jump across the river and now we're officially homo owners (home-owners for the gayngo-challenged) in Jersey City.

Both of us being native New Yorkers I wasn't sure how I'd survive the crossing over, but I actually like it. It's peacful and quiet, lots of trees (I LOVE TREES). The commute (and thats a dirty dirty word for me) is so easy. In fact it's much closer and quicker to Manhttan then Brooklyn or Queens. The 'hood we live in JC is best likened to Carrol Gardens or Boerum Hill in Brooklyn, and since I'm a Brooklyn Native, I like it. There are some really beautiful blocks with gorgeous homes. Besides, Jersey City is the newest Gayborhood in the NYC area, otherwise known as the 6th Borough of NYC. We have several friends in the 'hood already, and I can see more and more on the streets everyday.

So, so long dirty nasty NOISY congested EXPENSIVE Manhattan. Nah, I still love my home town and plan on hanging there often. But I'll obviously be spending a lot more time at home now in my new home.

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