December 13, 2006

When it's time for change...'s time to re-arrange...sha na na na na na nah nah nah. (that's one of my favortie Brady Bunch episodes, when Peter looses his voice and they all wear those spacey outfits and sing on some TV variety show).

As Madonna has done throughout her career, so have I. I've gone thorugh changes every few years. Changing names, looks, facial hair styles, hair-on-my-head styles, etc.

Many do not know this now, but for 9 whole years (1991-1999) I legally changed my name. I was known by another name of which I do not speak of (Ok, here's a hint to the right)...No, I wasn't a drag queen (although I have done drag on numerous ocassions). The name change was my alter ego of my twenty-something period. But I reached a point where I was really over the new name and so I legally changed back to my birth name. I've never looked back.

So as I sit here, I contemplate changing the name of my blog. Well not really changing the name per se, but changing the language. I'm thinking I really love ROBOSITO. Robo meaning robot of course, and Osito apparently meaning Cub in some sector of the Spanish language. So what do y'all think?

Oh, but now I'm feeling homesick for Robocub already and I haven't even changed anything.