What a fun-tastic surprise we had yesterday when our friend Rick from San Diego told us he used our boy's picture in the newest window installations of all the NYC Petco stores. They'll be up on display all Summer long.
Robopapi took this picture (clik-it to enlarge) of our boy Gator. Looks like one of them Sears photo-studio poses, complete with robots in the background. Our friend Rick ,who does the windows for Petco, wanted the picture a few months back when we showed it to him. And now, surprise, there it is in the window. Tha's my boy!
Whooppeeeeeee, today is a good day. The leader of the Immoral Majority has died. Good riddance to one of the most heinous hateful bastards in America...Jerry Falwell, dead and gone. Sadly for the human race, another freak will take his place I'm sure.
These are my blobs, blabs, and bleeps, my thoughts, rants & raves, army of robots, astronomical & extreme weather pictures...from a 40yo NYC-native homo and his robotic alter-ego.