May 19, 2006


Ahhh, it's fuckin' Friday. And now for some levity...

(click picture for a larger view)

May you all have a fun, relaxing, joyous weekend. Because all weekends should be regarded with as much high esteem as any major holiday.

May 18, 2006

Common sense post-anal-sex

Are Hets really this clueless when it cums to anal sex? And we all know that gay men do not own the sole rights and privledges to anal sex. Plenty of Man/Woman couples love doing it up the rear.

Today as I was Googling something entirely different, I saw a result that read like this; "But at your request, here's the ancient Gay-Boy Secret: After your boyfriend comes in your ass...". Well of course I just had to investigate further, as I'm practically salivating. It turned out to be a recent Dan Savage column from the Village Voice online. I started reading the column's first question, and it was a gay question but contained no reference like the excerpt I saw. Next question. Ah here we go. I'm copying it here for everyone to read and to please laugh your ass off about (pun intended). And I need to ask again, are Hets really this stupid when it comes to post-sex hygeine?

Q. I am a straight woman who likes getting fucked in the ass. My boyfriend enjoys fucking my ass, so it works out well. Also, my boyfriend and I are both clean, so we don't worry about STDs and I prefer sex without condoms. Who doesn't? My problem is this: After he shoots a big load of cum in my ass, it leaks back out for the rest of the day?along with other, less appetizing, substances. It makes quite a mess in my pants, smells bad, and is uncomfortable. I never hear gay men complain about this?and don't tell me it's because they're all busy practicing safe sex. Is there anything I can do to avoid this situation?short of using a condom? Some gay man's secret for taking a big load in the ass? ?Love The Cum Hate The Mess

A. Anal-sex prep is hashed over in skanky and mainstream sex advice columns alike: proper hygiene, lengthy foreplay, and, for the peggers out there, the procurement of strap-ons. But scant attention is paid to the post-anal-sex issues, like the proper disposal of lube, semen, and santorum. Why? Because semen, lube, and santorum disposal reminds us of the asshole's primary function, and so sex advisers tend to gloss over PAS issues. But at your request, here's the ancient Gay-Boy Secret: After your boyfriend comes in your ass, LTCHTM, pull your ass off his dick and plop it down on the toilet. Bring a magazine. Then crap it out?crap it all out. Cum and lube and santorum that aren't left in your ass can't leak out and soil your undies the next day.

May 10, 2006

I am Kira

I just found a music video for XANADU on YouTube.

This is one of my favorite movies, songs, and perfomances. I especially love the special effects, I kid you not. And the ELO soundtrack is the best of any movie I've ever seen, save for Vangelis' Blade Runner soundtrack scroe. This is really how I see my world. OMG, I'm in heaven! I am Kira.

And for all you XANADU lovers, this neglected and often made fun of film is available on DVD for cheap. I got mine!

May 09, 2006

Progressive Europe vs. Puritan America

Amazing, an AIDS PSA actually directed at gay men. Yeah, remember us?

I often drop my head in shame at how backwards and puritan America is compared to Europe. My (real) sister just sent me this French PSA (public service announcement) TV spot. It's really cute and so moderne. It's about time. France is cool.

May 04, 2006

Evil Incarnate: Separated at Birth

The worst thing about this whole Moussaoui story, and what most Americans fail to realize, is that we happen to have our very own fucking hate-filled twisted sicko terrorists right here in America that would commit the same kind of crimes. They all may as well be separated at birth.

Such disgusting examples of humanity. I hope they all rot in the slave pits of Ursa Prime.

al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui

U.S. terrorist Rev. Jerry Fallwell

U.S. terrorist Rev. Fred Phelps

May 03, 2006

Sad Coinkidinkis

In the last 9 months, two friends of mine have died. Their circumstances were completely unrelated. Except they are both linked in interesting but odd ways.

My friend Robert Young who passed away last September, shared the same birthday as my friend Joe who just passed this weekend. They also did business together when I introduced them to each other many years ago. I guess thats just two things they shared in common, but still it's rather odd to me.

Don't mind me. I'm just going through it all in my head. It's not easy to loose loved ones and will always be one of those mysteries in life

May 02, 2006

When plans fall through and then they're gone

Yesterday I received one of those most dreaded phone calls in life...

A friend (whom I don't know) of a good friend of mine called. It's kind of funny because I don't normally answer my phone if I don't recognize the number, but for some reason this time I looked at the screen, shrugged and picked it up anyway.

Hello is this Erik?
Uh yeah, who's this?

This is Kevin, I'm a friend of Joe D'Andrea's. I'm affraid I have some bad news.

My heart sunk and I immediately broke into tears. I knew the rest of it just by those first few words. My good friend Joe D'Andrea had passed away this weekend. I didn't even know he was having any medical issues outside of his regular health situation. I was told he had a heart attack, which was a bigger shock in itself. I think Joe was in his late 40s, or early 50s at the latest.

After Kevin told me what had happened, we spoke briefly. I started to cry because me and Joe had made two recent attempts to meet up and catch up on one of his trips to the city from Asbury Park, but both times plans fell through. It'd been a couple of years since we'd seen each other and had so much to catch up.

I have really fond memories of Joe. He had a quick wit and was pretty bitchy if he wanted to be. He was also one of those take charge of your life kind of guys. He was very instrumental in running informational databases for many AIDS medications and trials. He was very much a community leader in that sense. Empowered himself and then empowering others.

I used to work for Joe many years ago on one of the many websites he ran. I think it was called or something like that. Anyway, we'd work out of his living room and everyday at 2pm like clockwork, he'd take a break, lie on the couch and watch Jude Judy. I'd be working away and every now and then I'd hear him say, "you go Judge Judy!".

I met Joe in 1988 at some dumb job I had when I was 20. That place went out of business but me and Joe were always in the same circles because of ACT UP in 1989 and then Joe worked for OUTWEEK magazine untill it closed down. Then me and Joe lost touch for a few years. Around 1999 or 2000, miraculously Joe found me through some sordid internet site. He emailed me and we picked up our friendship again. I love that kind of thing. Heck my high scool best friends found me through and we had a big reunion after having lost touch for over 13 years. I love the internet. But I digress...

I'm going to miss you Joe, big time. Much love.

Here is a link to Joe's obituary and an article about Joe in the Asbury Park Press online